Your 18-part post-winter garden checklist

How to start preparing for a beautiful spring garden

Warmer, more colorful months are right around the corner — but how do you make sure your garden has what it takes to gracefully transition from winter to spring? Take a look at our post-winter garden checklist and start prepping your garden for spring.

Gardening is cheaper than therapy, and you get tomatoes.

1. Plant

Don’t wait until spring to start planting. If you want your garden to be thriving in warmer months, then you’ll want to plant your bareroots and seeds now. Check out our video on how to plant bareroots.

2. Trim

If you have fruit trees, shade trees or roses, now is the best time to trim them. This will keep them healthy and vibrant and make sure they’re able to produce new growth throughout the next season.

Have questions? Give us a call at (661) 366-6291.

3. Spray

To reduce insect problems and the potential for disease, fungus, and mold, cover your plants in a copper spray or horticultural oil.

4. Revamp

Don’t wait until spring to start planting. If you want your garden to be thriving in warmer months, then you’ll want to plant your bareroots and seeds now.

5. Create

If you have big goals for your garden this year, don’t wait until springtime to get it all done. Start building those raised garden beds and hunting down those perfect containers now.

Have more questions? Visit our site.

6. Order

If there are any special plants you’d like to integrate into your garden this year, then think about special ordering those plants now. If you wait until the last minute, you may not get those plants soon enough.

7. Plan

Speaking of big goals and special orders, a new garden can be quite an undertaking. So if you plan on creating something from scratch, come up with a plan first. This way, you can reduce unnecessary costs and hurdles and be more successful in the process. And remember, the experts at White Forest Nursery are always here to help.

8. Clean

It might not seem like such a fun way to spend your time, but it’s definitely worth your while to give your gardening tools a proper cleaning. This way, you can prevent the spread of disease and keep your tools working right for much longer.

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9. Compost

If you plan on using compost in your garden, then now is a great time to begin the process. Set aside a container you can use to create your compost pile and start adding to it. 

10. Clear

Don’t just clean up the debris from your containers and garden beds. Go a step further and clean up your trees, lawns, and bushes, as well. This would include leaves, broken branches, and anything that might be dead.

11. Remove

Take a look around your garden to see if you’ve been harboring unwanted pests during the winter. If you find any, remove them before they have the chance to damage your plants later down the road.

We've got the gram, too. Check it out.

12. Cut

Aside from routine pruning, go ahead and cut back any plants or bushes that are simply becoming too big for their own good. These would be the plants that are overshadowing their friends or impeding on pathways.

13. Replenish

Take a look around your garage or shed and figure out what gardening supplies you need to restock. Do this early and you won’t find yourself scrambling around last minute to get the right materials for your gardening needs.

14. Test

You want to make sure your soil is good to go for all your new friends this spring. Test the soil to see if your pH levels are solid, or you can skip the tests and add a pH-correcting soil treatment like GardenMAX for gardens or TurfMAX for lawns. Just make sure to apply the treatment after the last hard freeze.  

15. Loosen

Over the winter, your soil can become compacted, and hard soil can be difficult to work with (and not very accommodating to your plants). To solve this little dilemma, pick up a soil penetrant like Ground Breaker, and apply it now!

16. Partner

If you’re at all concerned with your post-winter garden plans or if you simply don’t have enough time to figure it all out on your own, partner with a landscape consultant. If you want to learn more about what a landscape consultant does.

We're the go-to source for plants in Bakersfield. Visit us.

17. Redo

Speaking of landscape consultants — if part of your post-winter garden plans involve wiping out complete sections, starting from scratch, or working on a heavily outdated landscape, a landscape consultant can help you design and create something truly beautiful. They can guide you on how, where, and when to properly plant your green friends.

18. Visit

And last but not least, stop by White Forest Nursery to receive guidance and suggestions on your spring garden plans. Our knowledgeable employees can take a look at your plans and provide you with recommendations on next steps and best practices. We can also assist you with any special orders to help kickstart your post-winter garden.