Don’t hit “snooze” on your green friends

As spring makes its debut in Bakersfield, it’s time to start preparing your garden for warmer months. But what exactly does this mean? Here are just a few of the steps you should take right now:

  • Remove debris, pests, and weeds
  • Plant bareroots, seeds, and other new plants
  • Trim fruit trees, shade trees, and roses
  • Spray plants with dormant oil and copper spray (last chance!)
  • Create a garden plan


View Spring Garden Checklist

The early bird gets the bareroot

Bareroots are only available for a limited time, so plant now before it’s too late! At White Forest Nursery, we have over 200 varieties of fruit trees, shade trees, and berries in stock!


View Bareroot Varieties

Spring forward two years (with our 2-year guarantee)

We believe in gardens that last. That’s why we offer a two-year guarantee. Our consultants will help you select the right amendments to keep your green friends thriving for years to come. If something happens along the way, our 2-year guarantee has you (and your garden) covered.


Stop by White Forest Nursery for everything your garden needs this spring

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